Risk Management Plan
The Risk Management Plan details how to manage the risks associated with a project. It details the risk management tasks that will be carried out, assigned responsibilities and any additional resources required for the risk management activity. In a smaller scale project, this plan may be embedded within the Software Development Plan
Worker: Project Manager

Input to Activities: Output from Activities:

Purpose To top of page

The purpose of the Risk Management Plan is to ensure that project risks are properly identified, analyzed, documented, mitigated, monitored and controlled. It describes the approach that will be used to identify, analyze, prioritize, monitor and mitigate risks.

The Risk Management Plan should be updated when risks or mitigation strategies change.

Brief Outline To top of page

(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window)

1.       Introduction         
    1.1     Purpose     
    1.2     Scope     
    1.3     Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations     
    1.4     References     
    1.5     Overview     
2.       Risk Summary      
3.       Risk Management Tasks
4.       Organization and Responsibilities
5.       Budget 
6.       Tools and Techniques  
7.       Risk Items to be Managed     

Enclosed Artifacts To top of page

Timing To top of page

Developed during inception. Scheduled updates occur based on the results of each Iteration Acceptance Review/Lifecycle Milestone Review. Updates should also occur when changes to risks or mitigation strategies are identified through risk monitoring and control activities.

Responsibility To top of page

The Worker: Project Manager is responsible for maintaining the Risk Management Plan and keeping the project's Risk List up to date.

Tailoring To top of page

The Risk List may be sufficient by itself for smaller projects: for large or otherwise high-risk projects where significant resources will be dedicated to risk aversion, a separate risk plan may be needed.

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